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Brittany Macioce - At Large

I have been a resident of the Ringgold School District since 2011. My husband, Brian, and I have three children, ages 10, 8 and 4. Camden and Elliana are in their second year attending a cyber charter school and Makenzie is anxiously awaiting her first day of kindergarten at RESN. I have spent the last year learning about dyslexia, learning disabilities and special education as our family has been impacted by identification of specific learning needs. I am a registered nurse of nearly 17 years, having spent 14+ years caring for terminally ill patients under hospice care.  


I first became involved in the community when my son started t-ball, volunteering as a coach for several years and serving as the UFAAA Board Treasurer for two years. I resigned as the UFAAA Treasurer to assume current responsibilities for fundraising efforts at the dance studio my children attend. I coordinate over a dozen fundraisers throughout the year, communicate with various local business owners and manage individual accounts for more than 30 dancers. I have developed many wonderful relationships with other parents and community members during both volunteer efforts and have an interest in the athletic and extracurricular components of the whole child experience.  


During the time my children attended RESN, I was very involved in the PTA. I participated in classroom parties and assisted with school events. I am extremely honored and proud of the work done the year I chaired the Veteran’s Day event at RESN. Many PTA volunteers, teachers, staff and community members collaborated to prepare an event worthy of the veterans in our community. Because of my PTA experience, I have an understanding of the collaboration necessary to make education fun and valuable for students beyond everyday learning. 


Beyond voting, I had little interest in politics until the events of 2020 affected every aspect of my life. I quickly became involved, researching and increasing my knowledge of politics and government, including the PA Department of Education. From my desire for change and to have a positive impact, I learned of Moms for Liberty, a non-profit organization with the mission to unify, educate and empower parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. I started the Washington County chapter with the support of Heather Wilhelm. Additionally, in November 2022, I was elected via write-in campaign as a Precinct Committee Person for Union Township (Union 1). Through these political experiences, I have an increased understanding of the ways we can work together with local government officials to try to make our district a leader in the state. 


I have been attending and viewing school board meetings consistently since June 2020. What started as the need to fight for my children’s health and best interest turned into a passion to strengthen our district. I want to help make a difference as a School Director for Ringgold, which is why I sent letters of interest to be on the Steering Committee (currently participating) and to fill the vacant board seat. We have an amazing community and I want to be part of the team that helps guide present and future Ringgold students to achieve great things! 

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