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Maureen Ott - Region III

I have lived in Nottingham Township for 25 years where my husband and I raised our two daughters, both of whom graduated from the Ringgold School District. My degree is in mechanical engineering and I am retired from working at the Bettis Laboratory where I held a DOE security clearance for 36 years. Over the years, I was active in the PTA and several booster organizations; I've coached softball, MATHCOUNTS, and am currently a mentor for the Ringgold SeaPerch team, an underwater robotic competition for students.


Since 2012 I've been the Ringgold Region III School Director. Region III includes Union and Nottingham Townships and Finleyville. In that time, Ringgold has seen several major changes of which I am proud to have been a part. Notable changes include building the new Middle School as well as supporting renovations of all our facilities including sports fields and the natatorium, and increasing the rigor of our curriculum by adding AP and College in High School courses. I also strongly supported the creation of our Ringgold Police Force, which has set the standard for many local school districts. During the pandemic, I was also proud that Ringgold was one of the few schools in the area that provided an in-person attendance option for students to begin the 2020-21 school year. I consistently voted against masking our students, despite the Governor's pressure to mask them, since the data showed it was largely ineffective and harmed instruction. In addition to my role as Ringgold School Director, I am the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) and South Hills Area School DIstricts Association (SHASDA) representative from the Ringgold Board. I have also represented Ringgold on the Intermediate Unit (IU1) Board.


My philosophy for approaching my role as a School Director is to put students first and ensuring that I maintain my integrity. To do this one must consider all elements that affect their education. They must be safe, they must have good educators, they must have challenging, appropriate curriculum. I believe in basing my decisions on data, common sense and logic, while fairly considering all feasible alternatives. I typically average 10-20 hours per week on Board activities, including meetings, research, employment interviews, continuing PSBA training, or asking questions of our administrators. I also believe that parents have a vested interest in their children's education and are valued partners. Therefore, it is important to include them in the decision-making process. These are the guiding principles that will inform my decision making as a School Director if I am fortunate enough to receive your vote.

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